Friday 3 February 2017

The BEST Ways To Boost Hair Growth

Bonjour tout le monde!

Now I know that one thing that is on every naturalistas mind is 'how on earth do I grow my hair?' It may seem like that, for many of you, your hair isn't growing. You may think your growth has stunted or that it's remained the same length it currently is for years. Science has proved to us that, even though it may seem like Caucasian or Asian hair grows fast, our natural black tresses DO grow too. Our hair is extremely fragile and is prone to breakage which is why very often, we fail to see the growth that does occur. I'm the same as every black girl and I have the ultimate goal of growing my natural black hair to my bum but sometimes it seems like that's more of a dream than reality. However it is in fact possible. As you're reading this, your hair cells are currently undergoing mitosis and are replicating as we speak creating hair growth for you. Your body is doing its part, now what can you do to help? I'm going to break down the core steps to help you grow the best hair that you can.

Whoever told you that you can grow your hair by stuffing your face with crisps and chocolate everyday is a liar. Hair growth starts from the inside out so whatever you put into your body directly affects the outcome of your hair. The better your diet, the better your hair growth! Take some time to evaluate and decipher what you might want to replace within your diet to aid your hair growth. You don't need to completely cut out ALL of your guilty pleasures, small changes to your diet eg. eating food rich in natural oils such as nuts and fish, you'll soon see a change!

Everyone knows that exercise is important to keep your mind right and your body tight. But have you ever considered that exercise may also be good for your hair growth too? Exercise increases blood flow around the body, including the scalp, which can help promote healthy hair growth. Exercise has benefits for all of the body!

I know a lot of naturalistas have reservations when it comes to taking hair growth supplements but it can also aid hair growth when taken correct and in conjunction with other hair growth aids such as a healthy diet. I personally am a big fan of Biotin as a hair growth supplement (click here for my biotin review) for various reasons, the main being that I believe that it actually works. Don't rely on supplements solely to grow your hair but t can definitely aid hair growth.

No-one enjoys having to chop any of their hair off even if it's just half an inch but in reality, regular chops of our hair can help our hair to flourish! By cutting off the damaged ends you are able to boost your hair growth as the split ends that may have stunted your growth have now all been removed! It is recommended that we get our hair trimmed every 6 - 8 weeks to ensure our hair is kept healthy.

These are just a few tips and tricks I have come across along the way and I hope this has helped some of you! If you have anymore tips, feel free to message me otherwise, until the next time!

Au revoir x


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