Tuesday 16 February 2016

Protective Hairstyles - Short Cut

Bonsoir tout le monde!

Now I know I'm a bit late with this post but life has been so hectic at the moment however, I'm still here! I thought I'd keep you guys updated with my latest hairstyle. So a few of you may know that it was my birthday on the 4th Feb (I'm now 18 woohoo!) and so decided to go for a shorter look to compliment my transition into adulthood. I was very hesitant at first to get a short style as this is something very new to me. I've always had long hairstyles whether it be my natural hair, braids or weave so I was afraid that this change would be so drastic and different that it wouldn't look good. However I decided to take that plunge and give it a go. In one of my previous posts I did say that this year is the year of protective hairstyling for me after having cut my hair due to heat damage. I've already seen some growth in the last month alone after having taken my hair out of braids but it doesn't stop there! My aim is to at least maintain protective hairstyles and allow my hair a chance to grow until summer if not the end of the year. That way I'll be able to regain the length I lost from chopping my hair and be well on my way to growing new, luscious locks! 

This is a short weave I instead went for where one side is curly and longer than the other. I've absolutely fallen in love with this hairstyle and don't think I can imagine myself with anything but! This has given me a new lease of life not to mention making me look older! I'd definitely recommend that if you've ever wanted to rock short hair but weren't sure if you could pull it off, give it a go! If I hadn't taken that plunge I wouldn't have known how great this hairstyle looks on me! After taking out my braids and before putting in this weave, I was using the inversion method (I'll explain this in a future blog post) alongside biotin. The key to growing long hair whilst in protective hairstyles is to ensure its moisturized. You can either buy special hair serums made to moisturize your hair in weave or make your own and apply it to your hair in a special applicator bottle. Either way, providing your hair isn't right and isn't tugging on your hairline, this is a great way to grow your natural hair whilst still looking glamorous!

If there's any blog posts or YouTube videos you'd like to see from me, ask:

Alternatively, I'm always looking for fellow naturalistas to feature on my blog so if you're interested in sharing your natural hair journey on Divinus Ater, email:

Au revoir X 


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