Tuesday 12 January 2016

Water Infuser Bottle - Orange and Vanilla

Salut tout le monde!

As many of you will know from my previous posts, I've been using my water Infuser bottle for a little while now. I'm trying to cleanse my body from the inside out and keep myself healthy. So over the next couple of weeks I'll be showing you different recipes if you will for you to follow to keep yourself healthy! 

Now you do not need a water Infuser bottle to follow these recipes, they work just the same with a normal water bottle. However, if you like the look of a water Infuser bottle or find it easier, you can purchase your own on eBay for around £4-£5. To me, a water Infuser bottle is a lot easier because I don't have the fruit slices floating all over my water bottle and it's a lot easier to replace the fruit slices when I'm done. Okay so today is  orange and vanilla and is a pretty easy and tasty recipe. 

To begin with all you'll need is:
- 1 Orange Sliced
- 1/2 tbsp vanilla extract
- 220ml cold water

Begin with just slicing up your orange thinly and placing it into your water bottle or Infuser bottle. Add the water to your bottle and add your vanilla extract to the water. Allow your water bottle to sit for 1hr so the flavours can infuse and there you have it! 

It's a really simple recipe and has a lovely flavour to it! For those of you who may be wondering 'what has infused water got to do with healthy hair?' It's simple, take care of your body and your body will take care of you! You'll see improvements in your skin, hair and more importantly, you'll just feel great! I hope that was helpful and I'll see you guys soon,

Au revoir X 


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