Wednesday 19 August 2015

Malta - Day 2

Hey everyone!

I'm back again with my day 2 of being in Malta! It's such a lovely country and I absolutely love being here. For those who don't quite know whereabouts Malta is or perhaps have never even heard of it, Malta is a small island off Greece and Italy. Many famous TV shows and movies that some of us may know such as Game of Thrones and The Da Vinci Code have been filmed here. 

Anyway I digress, today I decided to go for more of a curly look but I always aim to achieve my looks without using heat if possible. So I used my trusty friend, Bantu knots! They're great but definitely not something you can decide to do on a whim. It's best for you to plan a day before to do Bantu knots to achieve the best look. So I did this Tuesday night for Wednesday and followed the same proceedure as you would for natural hair. I like to use setting lotion just because I feel like I get a more defined curl but that's optional. Then just twist and tie using small black rubber bands and hey presto! I just tie a satin scarf over my hair just to protect it over night. Here are the finished results:

Loved the way my hair turned out so much that I think I'm going to use it more often! Anyway that's all from me!

Instagram: @ikeeyah


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