Sunday 19 April 2015

Lemon Water Detox

Okay so maybe the title sounded a little bit drastic. I love lemon water not only for the taste but also for all of the benefits incurred from drinking it. I was an avid drinker of it last year and have decided to pick it back up this year. The word 'detox' implies that I'm drinking it in order to shed a few pounds or lose weight, both of which are not the case. Lemon water is an amazing cleanser for both the inside and outside of your body. It aids the removal of any food which may otherwise clog up your stomach and intestines resulting is pain and discomfort leaving me feeling light as a feather. It also aids healthy hair growth and healthier, clearer skin which is a bonus. I have always been fortunate enough to have clear skin but I believe, whilst drinking lemon water, it's brought out my skin's natural glow and keeps any spots at bay. Now I understand that many will dislike the taste, as did I when I first started drinking it but I'm telling you the benefits definitely do outweigh the taste. If you're eager to see the results for yourself, I would recommend drinking at least a litre a day of lemon water for at least two weeks to see any improvements. 

Now I'm sure many are wondering how to begin making lemon water. You can buy a water infuser on eBay for aroun £6 however I prefer to get my favourite water bottle (Fiji water, £1 from Waitrose) and put lemon slices inside. This can be a challenge given the size of the nozel but can be done. I usually buy two lemons for this, one to be cut up into slices and the other to be squeezed inside the bottle. Since for me I didn't feel like the taste was pungent enough, I added a few more squirts of lemon juice just to give it a bit more of a kick. 

And there you have it! Lemon water really does wonders for me but feel free to let me know your opinions. I have an askFM for those who want to ask any questions, whether they be about hair all the way to my favourite fast food takeaway, all questions are welcome!

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An Instagram for Divinus Ater is coming very soon, watch this space!


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